Ella is co-bred and co-owned with my mom. She is out of our girl Int. CH., AKC CH. Rockstaff Will-O’-The-Wisp CD, BN, RI, NAP, NJP, SCN, SBN, SIN, RATM, BCAT, TKI, CGCA, CGCU aka “Willow” and (Sp. imp.) AKC CH. Earthquake Staffs Dream Maker aka “River”. She is a compact girl with lovely breed type. She is more passive girl with a laid back personality. She is my mom’s special girl and is now competing in various performance events with her. Ella is L2-HGA and HC clear, OFA hips GOOD, and has passed her CERF eye exam. She is CHIC# 161687
Click on box below to view Ella’s pedigree

AKC GCH Rockstaff Sierra Mist RN ACT2J CGC TKN “Sierra”

Sierra is bred by us and is out of my all time favorite boy AKC CH. Rockstaff Mr. Pibb CGC aka “Mr. Pibb” and our girl AKC CH. Rockstaff Red Headed Coalminer’s Daughter aka “Ember”. She is from the first litter I’ve produced using frozen semen from our boy Mr. Pibb and has mainly Rivendell/Donnellas lines behind her. She is a silly, outgoing girl and in the middle of everything that is going on. She is OFA hips GOOD and is L2-HGA and HC genetically clear.
Click on box below to view Sierra’s pedigree

AKC GCH Rockstaff Redheaded Celtic Lass CGC TKN “Reese”

Reese is bred by us and is out of our top winning and top producing boy AKC MBISS Gold GCH Rockstaff Celtic Guardian TKN RATN FDC ATT CGCA CGCU aka “Rowan” and our now retired girl AKC CH Red Headed Coalminer’s Daughter aka “Ember”. She is a full sister to our girl AKC CH. Rockstaff Celtic Redhead and AKC GCH Rockstaff Lady In Red. Reese finished her championship in short order with a 5 pt. major win at the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club Of Florida Speciality show at just 10 months old. She then went on to a Select win at the National Championship show at only 11 months old. Reese has her sire’s easy going mellow personality, but is ready to go when we walk through the ring gate. She is OFA hips EXCELLENT and CAER/OFA eyes NORMAL. She is also L2-HGA and HC genetically clear.
Click on the box below to view Reese’s pedigree

AKC GCH Rockstaff Salty Lil Beach CGC RN TKN “June”

June is pictured above at 18 months old. She is bred by us and is out of our girl AKC CH Rockstaff River’s Last Cheerio CGC RN TKN ACT ACT2J aka “Cheri” and AKC CH. Von’s My Loving Man aka “Colt”. She is a silly, affectionate girl that loves new adventures. I don’t think there isn’t anything she won’t try to climb in or on. She has finished her championship and is now working towards her grand championship. Can’t wait to start performance with this girl. She is OFA CAER eyes NORMAL and L2-HGA and HC clear by parentage.
Click on box below to view June’s pedigree

AKC GCH Rockstaff Celtic Farewell Keepsake CGC RN TKN “Gwen”

Gwen is our newest addition and is bred by us. She is out of our top producing and top winning boy MBISS Gold GCH Rockstaff Celtic Guardian TKN RATN FDC ATT CGCA CGCU “Rowan” and our girl CH Rockstaff River’s Last Cheerio RN NJP NAP ACT2 ACT2J CGC TKN aka “Cheri”. She is pictured above at just 10 months old. Gwen is super smart, outgoing girl with smidge of feisty attitude that keeps everyone on their toes. She went BOB over specials for a 5 pt major in her show ring debut at 7 months old. Can’t wait to watch this sassy lil girl continue to develop and mature. Gwen is L2-HGA and HC clear by parentage.